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Voice Recognition
1920 Slabtown Road, Lima, OH 45801 Phone: 419-222-1836 Fax: 419-224-0718
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ACESC Preschool Program

Program Philosophy

The Allen County Educational Service Center Preschool serves 3, 4, and 5-year-old students eligible for special education services as well as typically developing peers.  We are committed to providing a high quality program that offers varied opportunities and materials to build an understanding of diversity in culture, family composition, differing abilities, language and gender.  We believe that family involvement is critical to a child’s growth.  Parents are partners in the development and provision of learning situations. We strive to build a community in which all children and families are welcomed and supported with acceptance and respect. It is a place where children with and without disabilities play and learn side by side.  

Early childhood education lays the groundwork for the development of a lifelong learner.  As educators, it is our goal to support the whole child by providing learning opportunities in all areas of development including cognitive, social-emotional, sensory, motor, perceptual, and language skills. These opportunities are introduced through play.  During play, children discover concepts and relationships and practice newly acquired skills. As they play with peers and adults, they acquire important social skills, including negotiation and conflict resolution, social conversation, and role taking. Play is development and learning in action. In play, children demonstrate their understanding of the world and their role in it. The teachers serve as facilitators to guide the children in their interactions with the varied learning opportunities.  As adults observe children's play, they can describe their developmental levels, needs, and interests. Play is the best vehicle for integrating learning across all developmental domains.

We strive to provide a fun, safe, and exciting culture that encourages students to take risks, problem-solve, and move toward independence.  Our program provides learning experiences that incorporate student interests and address individual needs.  We believe every student has the right to learn at their own developmental rate with different instructional techniques. We try to provide experiences that will help children feel good about themselves and confident about their abilities.  We attempt to provide activities that will assist children as they grow to their full potential.  Curriculum experiences are to be research based, aligned with the content standards, rich with differentiated learning, and problems to solve which provides reasons and opportunities to use language in play. Instructional strategies are designed with intention to support, challenge, scaffold, and extend children’s abilities and skills.

Preschool Vision Statement

To provide a safe environment in which each child can develop and learn.

Preschool Mission Statement

The educational opportunities provided will reflect the view that all areas of development (cognitive, language, social emotional, physical, and adaptive) will be enhanced through a variety of planned and research based learning activities and instructional strategies. Our program is an active partnership between the school, the student, the home, and the community.

Contact us

Amy Recker
Director of Preschool
ext. 6007

Heidi Mirus 
Administrative Assistant
(Contact for Registration Information)
ext. 6011

Preschool Location Sites

ACESC Preschool at Marimor

Phone:  419.221.1262
Laura Butcher, Teacher
Ashleigh King, Assistant
Lindsay Clevidence, Teacher
Brittney Borger, Assistant
Cayla Ong, Teacher
Carrie Reichenbach, Assistant
Nicole Line, Teacher
Melissa Jones, Assistant
Jennifer Whitehead,Teacher
Kathy Schmiesing,  Assistant

*Follow ESC/Bath Delays
Mornings: 7:40 am - 10:50 am
2-Hour Delay:(Plan B) 9:40 am - 11:50 pm
3-Hour Delay:  Cancelled
Cancel:  Cancelled
Afternoons: 11:40 am - 2:50 pm
2-Hour Delay: (Plan B) 12:40 pm - 2:50 pm
3-Hour Delay: 11:40 am - 2:50 pm
Cancel: Cancelled

ELIDA Preschool

Phone: 419-338.6850
Shalyn Dotson, Teacher
Lora Market, Assistant
Jackie Musser, Assistant
Tyler Leatherman, Teacher
Michelle Diglia, Assistant
Sonja Wallace, Assistant

*Follow Elida Delays
Mornings: 8:45 am - 11:55 am
2-Hour Delay: (Plan B) 10:45 am - 12:55 pm
3-Hour Delay: Cancelled
Cancel:  Cancelled
Afternoons: 12:40 pm - 3:50 pm
2-Hour Delay: (Plan B) 1:40 pm  - 3:50 pm
3-Hour Delay: 12:35 pm  - 3:45 pm 
2-Hour Early Release (Plan C)
AM Class:  8:45 - 10:55 am
PM Class - 11:40 - 1:50 pm
Cancel: Cancelled


Tiffany Maas, Teacher
Tammy Morrison, Assistant
Jennifer Snipes, Teacher
Ginger Stiles, Assistant
Terry Kiene, Floating Aide

*Follow Spencerville Delays
Mornings:  8:40 am - 11:50 am
1-Hour Delay: 9:40 am - 11:50 am
2-Hour Delay: (Plan B) 10:40 am - 12:50 pm
3-Hour Delay: Cancelled
Cancel:  Cancelled
Afternoons: 12:35 pm - 3:45 pm
1-Hour Delay: 12:35 pm - 3:45 pm
2-Hour Delay: (Plan B) 1:35 pm - 3:45 pm
3-Hour Delay: 12:35 pm - 3:45 pm
Cancel: Cancelled